What Is Vitamin C supplement?

Natural vitamin C is one of the most widely known nutrients today. Anytime we hear of a friend or a family member that is sick, we immediately think, “Did you take some vitamin C?” Is there any validity to these beliefs? What is vitamin C, and what are the different aspects of our health that it can improve?

What is Vitamin C

by Jeffrey Beall under CC BY-SA


The most common reason people take vitamin C is when they feel like they are “catching a cold.” Through much study and investigation, it is proven that taking a vitamin C supplement is extremely useful in not only reducing the various symptoms of a cold but even in reducing the length of time you suffer with your symptoms. It is helpful because it replaces vital aspects that your immune system needs in order to combat the organism at fault.

It also has a lesser known benefit- it is quite useful in healing burns and wounds of the skin. By simply taking this supplements daily and orally, studies have proven that it dramatically decreases recovery time by aiding with collagen production. Alternatively, when applied as a topical solvent, it has the ability to reduce the damage done to skin by what the media frequently calls “free radicals.”

Just as vitamin C protects the skin, it likewise does much for protecting the body against other foreign invaders-namely, cancers. By strengthening and nourishing our vital immune system, it actually enables our bodies to fight cancer cells before they attack!

By preventing the disease before it has struck, vitamin C is helpful in protecting our body’s cells, DNA, and building blocks from being damaged and controlled. Studies had demonstrated evidence that this important nutrient is helpful in preventing virtually every type of cancer we see today.

Many people suffer from bad vision and cataracts- this disease is caused by a build up of all of the free radicals we accumulate through time in the sun. These free radicals tend to clump up on our eyes, producing a foggy, hazy sight. Vitamin C, however, if in the bloodstream has the ability to “stand guard” on our eyes and prevent these free radicals from building up. This prevents people suffering from cataracts and has even been shown to improve the eyesight of others.

What is vitamin C doing to help in preventing heart disease? As previously mentioned, free radicals float all around the body looking for weak places to target. At times, this can be evident in the arteries of the heart- it can cause plague buildups, which put the individual at risk for heart attacks, stroke, and even death.

Free radicals also can increase the build up of cholesterol which has the same risks associated with it; however, this supplement is effective in preventing and improving this situation.

The lungs also benefit from daily doses of this vitamin. Studies had demonstrated that individuals who suffer from chronic obstructive lung disorders, including asthma, found relief when a vitamin C regimen was added. It is because this nutrient reduces the amount of inflammation in the lungs, which causes the most common symptom of shortness of breath, and it acts as an anti-histamine.

In conclusion, it is quite obvious that there are many stated benefits to taking a daily this supplement, or increasing our intake of vitamin C rich foods. Every single organ system of our bodies thrive because of this special vitamin, and it is instrumental in preventing and reversing many different types of diseases.

That must be why it is so widely known as a miracle nutrient – “Did you take your vitamin C today?” There is no more need to ask what is vitamin c.

Check also benefits of vitamin c for skin care.

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